Miller Genealogy  start here
  • family tree with pictures (when available) starting in the middle with Levi Miller (born 1830) and you can go forward or backwards in time go here or here
  • through the Scottish ancestors it appears that the Millers are direct descendents of the most famous Kings in Scotland (starting in 900 AD) as well as Kings of England (988 AD) Norway (1015) and France (866) (go here)
  • the experience of the Miller family in military conflicts is here.
  • or start with the oldest names and move forward (go here.)
  • an historical narrative of some of the key names and dates
  • pedigree chart starting with Robert Miller and going back (here) or with four generation pictures only (go here)
  • summary of the longest trees (go here)
  • overview of the main family names listed for quick jumping (go here)
  • time and countries of origin (go here)

  • note: the picture on the left  is Hugh Hall (1758) famous picture by John Singleton Copley found at the New York Met. He is not thought to be related but some of the Miller's bear a striking resemblance (see here.)